Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Making of Broken Glass Eye By BayuIdea

I made this image based on the original photo I was looking on google, by turning it into this kind may become more attractive.
And I made a short tutorial for you lovers of design, especially for those of you a beginner.
Good luck.

Final Image

Step 1

First of all open images to be edited,
then create a new layer and use a brush-Broken Glass, by using the color white.
and remove the excess brush.

Pertama tama buka gambar yang akan di edit,
lalu buat layer baru dan gunakan brush Broken-Glass, dengan menggunakan warna putih.
dan hapus bagian brush yang berlebihan.

Step 2

back to bageround, use the tool (Dodge tool),
to illuminate the facades that are in the circle of glass eyes

kembali ke bageround, gunakan tool ( Dodge tool ),
untuk menerangi bagian muka yang berada dalam lingkaran kaca mata.

Step 3

Enter Figure broken glass, then replaced with a screen to normal.

Masukan Gambar kaca pecah,Lalu normal di ganti dengan screen.

Step 4

Finally, a new layer above Make bageround image, use the brush Blood.

Terakhir, Buatlah layer baru di atas gambar bageround, gunakan brush Darah.

Final Image

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