I made this image based on the original photo I was looking on google, by turning it into this kind may become more attractive.
And I made a short tutorial for you lovers of design, especially for those of you a beginner.
Good luck.
Final Image
Step 1
Open an image that will be edited.
Buka gambar yang akan di edit.
Step 2
Make a new layer, then use the Elliptical Marque Tool, For making a circle.
Then give the white color, then remove the center circle.
Buatlah layer baru, lalu gunakan Elliptical Marque Tool, Untuk membuat lingkaran.
Lalu beri warna putih, setelah itu hapus bagian tengah lingkaran.
Step 3
Then input new images, Delete parts of the excessive,
Put in the middle of the middle circle we have made previously.
Lalu masukan gambar tambahan, Hapus bagian yang berlebihan,
Letakan di tengah tengah lingkaranyang telah kita buat sebelumnya.
Step 4
additional images next input, then replace the normal screen.
masukan gambar tambahan berikutnya, lalu normal di ganti screen.
Final Image
Minggu, 30 Mei 2010
Photo Manipulation make the world in the grip of by BayuIdea
Label: belajar photoshop, edit foto, Graphics Tutorial, photo edit, photography, Photoshop, Photoshop Tutorial, tutorial photoshop, tutorial photoshop by bayu idea
Diposting oleh Bayu Idea di 07.29 0 komentar
Making of Broken Glass Eye By BayuIdea
I made this image based on the original photo I was looking on google, by turning it into this kind may become more attractive.
And I made a short tutorial for you lovers of design, especially for those of you a beginner.
Good luck.
Final Image
Step 1
First of all open images to be edited,
then create a new layer and use a brush-Broken Glass, by using the color white.
and remove the excess brush.
Pertama tama buka gambar yang akan di edit,
lalu buat layer baru dan gunakan brush Broken-Glass, dengan menggunakan warna putih.
dan hapus bagian brush yang berlebihan.
Step 2
back to bageround, use the tool (Dodge tool),
to illuminate the facades that are in the circle of glass eyes
kembali ke bageround, gunakan tool ( Dodge tool ),
untuk menerangi bagian muka yang berada dalam lingkaran kaca mata.
Step 3
Enter Figure broken glass, then replaced with a screen to normal.
Masukan Gambar kaca pecah,Lalu normal di ganti dengan screen.
Step 4
Finally, a new layer above Make bageround image, use the brush Blood.
Terakhir, Buatlah layer baru di atas gambar bageround, gunakan brush Darah.
Final Image
Label: belajar photoshop, edit foto, photo edit, photography, Photoshop, Photoshop Tutorial, tutorial cs3, tutorial photoshop, tutorial tutorial
Diposting oleh Bayu Idea di 06.53 0 komentar
Jumat, 28 Mei 2010
Make The Background in Full Color Photoshop by BayuIdea
Make The Background in Full Color Photoshop
Final Image
Step 1
Make a new sheet, with the color black baground.
Then use the marquee tool Reqtangular tool.
Then in the given color to your liking.
Buatlah lembar baru, dengan warna baground hitam.
Lalu gunakan tool Reqtangular marquee tool.
Lalu di beri warna sesuai dengan keinginan anda.
Step 2
After so, duplicate the layer and click ctrl + t,
then remove the bottom and reduce its opacity in accordance with the tutorial.
Setelah jadi, duplikat layer tersebut dan klik ctrl + t,
lalu hapus bagian bawah dan kurangi opacity nya sesuai dengan tutorial.
Step 3
Make the text, according to your liking, then right click select blending option,
and set customized to your liking.
Buatlah teks, sesuai keinginan anda, lalu klik kanan pilih blending option,
dan atur sesuaikan dengan keinginan anda.
Step 4
In a color image layer, right click and select blanding option, set match with the tutorial.
Pada layer gambar warna klik kanan dan pilih blanding option, atur sesuaikan dengan tutorial.
Step 5
Use a round brush, and select white, then cut into two and the top of the line behind the tutorial.
Gunakan brush bulat, dan pilih warna putih, lalu potong menjadi 2 dan bagian atas di balik sesuai tutorial.
Step 6
make the next image using polygonal Lasso tool.
buatlah gambar berikutnya dengan menggunakan Polygonal lasso tool.
Final Image
Diposting oleh Bayu Idea di 07.06 0 komentar
Selasa, 18 Mei 2010
I created this design based on the original photo, which I edited to be interesting with the effects of fantasy, may I be an inspiration design for you.
see the tutorial
Final Image
Step 1
Create a new layer, Grab the beach pictures.
Buat new layer, Ambil gambar pantai.
Step 2
Enter the next drawing, then dispose of parts that are not in need
Masukan gambar berikutnya, lalu buang bagian yang tidak di perlukan
Step 3
Remove the bottom of the image as in the tutorial
Hapus bagian bawah gambar seperti pada tutorial
Step 4
Set the level on the beach image, select Image-Adjustment-Levels, make the settings as in the tutorial.
Set level pada gambar pantai, pilih Image-Adjusment-Level, lakukan pengaturan seperti pada tutorial.
Step 5
Set the level on the human image, select Image-Adjustment-Levels, make the settings as in the tutorial.
Set level pada gambar manusia, pilih Image-Adjusment-Level, lakukan pengaturan seperti pada tutorial.
Step 6
Make a new layer, use brush make impression of water for waves.
Buatlah layer baru, lalau gunakan brush air untuk memmbuat kesan ombak.
Step 7
Next create new layer, below the human image, use the brush the clouds, to get the impression cloudy.
Selanjutnya buat layer baru, di bawah gambar manusia, gunakan brush awan, untuk mendapatkan kesan mendung.
Step 8
Enter the large stone image, and remove parts that are not important.
Masukan gambar batu besar, dan hapus bagian yang tidak penting.
Ste 9
Remove the bottom of the stone. with a diameters large eraser and blur.
Hapus bagian bawah batu. dengan diameter penghapus besar dan rada blur.
Step 10
Set the color of the stone in order to get the harmony of colors, Ctrl + U, follow the settings as tutorial.
Atur warna batu agar mendapatkan keserasian warna, Ctrl + U, ikuti pengaturan sesuai tutorial.
Step 11
Adjust levels to get dark colors, Image - Adjustment - Levels, Follow the settings in the tutorial.
Atur level untuk mendapatkan warna gelap, Image - Adjustment - Level,Ikuti pengaturan pada tutorial.
Step 12
To use the color Brun tool. Put on the edge of the stone.
Untuk penyerasian warna gunakan brun tool. Goreskan pada bagian pinggir batu.
Step 13
Create a new layer, use brush nebula, to create the impression of smoke.
Buat layer baru, gunakan brush nebula, untuk membuat kesan asap.
Step 14
Next we will create a rain effect, create a new layer with black.
Then select Filter - noise - add noise, then select Filter - Blur - Motion Blur,
then select Image - Adjustment - Levels, match settings such as tutorials.
then change the Normal to Screen.
Selanjutnya kita akan membuat efek hujan, buatlah layer baru dengan warna hitam.
Lalu pilih Filter - Nois - add nois, kemudian pilih Filter - Blur - Motion Blur,
kemudian pilih Image - Adjustment - Level, samakan pengaturan seperti tutorial.
kemudian ubah Normal menjadi Screen.
Step 15
Next step, combine all the layers, right click on any layer, select Marge visible,
and set its level and Color Balance, adjust the settings in the tutorial.
Langkah selanjutnya, gabungkan semua layer, klik kanan pada sembarang layer, pilih Marge visible,
kemudian atur level dan Color Balance nya, sesuaikan pengaturan pada tutorial.
Final Image
Label: adobe photoshop cs 3, fantasy tutorial, Graphics Design, graphics design fantasy tutorial, Graphics Tutorial, tutorial cs3, tutorial photoshop, tutorial tutorial
Diposting oleh Bayu Idea di 08.01 0 komentar